
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - The Foundation

cme coach training embodies a coaching mindset physician coach training physician coaching mindset Jul 18, 2024

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Core Competencies outline skills and approaches used by professional coaches. These principles are explicitly stated in the context of coaching and fundamentally about the application of positive leadership characteristics in the hospital and beyond. In this blog series, we look at how the ICF Core Competencies apply to physicians in the areas of personal growth, peer support, and patient care.  

The second Core Competency domain we will address in this blog series comes naturally to many physicians: Embodies a Coaching Mindset.

This Core Competency is defined by eight skills or approaches. 

1. Acknowledges that clients are responsible for their own choices

In coaching, the client is at the helm of their journey. Unlike mentoring, where guidance is often directive, coaching emphasizes client agency. Coaches recognize that clients are responsible for making their own choices and defining their outcomes. This approach supports personal autonomy while empowering clients to take ownership of their growth and achievements.

2. Engages in ongoing learning and development as a coach

A coach who embodies a coaching mindset is committed to continuous learning and self-improvement. Embracing a growth mindset means that we, as coaches, are always evolving. This commitment to development ensures that we are best equipped to support our clients by staying current with best practices.

3. Develops an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one’s coaching

Critical thinking and reflection are cornerstones of effective coaching. By developing an ongoing reflective practice, coaches can continuously evaluate and enhance their techniques. This process of self-reflection helps us to understand what works, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately become better coaches.

4. Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and culture on self and others

Our experiences shape who we are. This is true for both coaches and clients. Being aware of and open to the influence of context and culture helps us to more deeply understand our clients. This awareness allows us to tailor our coaching to meet the unique needs of each individual, creating a more inclusive and effective coaching environment.

5. Uses awareness of self and one’s intuition to benefit clients

A great coach uses their instincts and experiences to guide their coaching sessions. This intuitive approach moves beyond formulaic methods and allows for a more dynamic and responsive coaching experience. At the same time, coaches must be aware of their biases and strive to minimize them, ensuring that their intuition benefits the client without prejudice.

6. Develops and maintains the ability to regulate one’s emotions

Coaching can sometimes touch on difficult subjects. Coaches must develop and maintain the ability to regulate their emotions, staying present and composed even when sessions become challenging. This emotional resilience helps clients feel safe and supported, fostering a productive coaching relationship.

7. Mentally and emotionally prepares for sessions

Being fully present with a client is crucial. This means limiting outside distractions and mentally and emotionally preparing for each session. By being fully focused, coaches can provide the best possible support to their clients, ensuring that each session is impactful and meaningful.

8. Seeks help from outside sources when necessary

No coach has all the answers. Recognizing when to seek help from outside sources is a sign of strength and commitment to growth. Whether it's searching for additional training, consulting with peers, or discovering new tools, emphasizing learning and growth benefits the coach and the client.

In conclusion, embodying a coaching mindset is about being open, curious, and client-centered. It’s about committing to ongoing personal and professional development, maintaining self-awareness, and being fully present with our clients. By embracing this mindset, we can create a supportive and empowering environment that enables our clients to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.


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