
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - The Foundation

coaching ethics ethical coaching practice physician coach training physician coach training program physician coaching May 16, 2024

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Core Competencies outline skills and approaches used by professional coaches. These principles are explicitly stated in the context of coaching and fundamentally about the application of positive leadership characteristics in the hospital and beyond. In this blog series, we look at how the ICF Core Competencies apply to physicians in the areas of personal growth, peer support, and patient care.  

The first Core Competency domain we will address in this blog series comes naturally to many physicians: Demonstrates Ethical Practice

Demonstrates Ethical Practice has seven skills or approaches. 

1. Demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with clients, sponsors, and relevant stakeholders

In physician coaching, ethical practice means staying true to the coaching model while serving as a professional coach. Outside of a formal professional coaching relationship, coaching skills are used in peer support, physician leadership, and countless other ways. In physician leadership and peer support, the core of the coaching mindset is personal integrity. In a coaching relationship, it runs deeper than that, including setting boundaries of the interaction with a formal agreement. Just as we uphold ethical standards in our medical practice, demonstrating integrity in our coaching interactions is paramount.


2. Is sensitive to clients’ identity, environment, experiences, values, and beliefs

Another cornerstone of effective coaching is being sensitive to our clients' diverse identities, environments, experiences, values, and beliefs. Recognizing and respecting these aspects not only cultivates a deeper connection but also ensures that our language is sensitive to the individual experiences and contexts of those we serve.


3. Uses language appropriate and respectful to clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders

Language plays a pivotal role in communication, and in the coaching realm, it must be wielded with appropriateness and respect. By choosing words mindfully and considering their impact, we create an environment of inclusivity and understanding, facilitating constructive dialogue and growth.


4. Abides by the ICF Code of Ethics and upholds the Core Values

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics and Core Values like integrity, professionalism, and accountability safeguard the coaching discipline and create trust in clients and stakeholders.


5. Maintains confidentiality with client information per stakeholder agreements and pertinent laws

Confidentiality is sacrosanct in both medicine and coaching. Just as we safeguard patient information, maintaining the privacy of our coaching clients is imperative. This entails honoring stakeholder agreements and pertinent laws, and ensuring sensitive information remains secure and protected. This also requires appropriately navigating multiple layers of stakeholders if an institution is paying for coaching services.


6. Maintains the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support professions

Recognizing the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy, and other support professions is essential. While each serves a unique purpose, understanding these boundaries enables us to offer the most appropriate form of support to our clients. 


7. Refers clients to other support professionals, as appropriate

Physician coaches refer clients to other professionals for specialized assistance when the situation calls for it, including counselors, consultants, therapists, or even other coaches. Having a network of professionals you can rely on for referrals is ensures our clients get the support they need.

In embracing the coaching mindset, physicians expand their repertoire beyond technical skills, enriching interpersonal interactions and fostering growth. By embodying a coaching mindset, we elevate our practices and the lives of those we touch.

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